Artboard 1

Capital Market

Our team advises publicly and privately-held companies, financial institutions, investment banks, investment fund administrators, managers and consultants and investors on public and private offerings of securities, including:

-Initial and subsequent public offerings (primary and secondary) of shares, units and depositary receipts;

-Debt renegotiation;

-Debt issues, such as Debentures and Commercial Notes;

-Real Estate Credit Bills (LCI) and Agribusiness Credit Bills (LCA);

-Securitization operations, including Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRI) and Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA);

-Legal advice on borrowing from public and private financial institutions;

-Derivatives transactions;

-Setting up and offering shares in all types of investment funds, including Credit Rights Investment Funds (FIDC), Financial Investment Funds (FIF), Equity Investment Funds (FIP), Real Estate Investment Funds (FII), Agribusiness Investment Funds (FIAGRO), Infrastructure Investment Funds (FI-Infra), as well as unstructured funds.